April 20, 2022
Should damaged dimension stone panels be restored or replaced?
About Dimension Stone Panels
Dimension stone panels are a popular design choices for business centers, corporate headquarters, hotels, educational facilities, hospitals, libraries, government buildings, embassies, airports, churches, and high-end residential properties. Dimension stone panels protect and insulate, but their main purpose is to convey a sense of permanence, stability, and beauty. Because natural stone is a non-manufactured product, it is a very unique and enviable surface material for panels with character. Architects and designers have a wide variety of options with dimension stone, because each slab has its own unique color, grain, veining, and other features. There are also a wide variety of stone finishes include polished, honed, sand blasted, leathered, flamed, and more. Edge options are just as numerous, including straight, smooth, rough split, chiseled, beveled, etc.Potential Problems
With proper anchoring, most dimension stone is appropriate for interior panels. Although a majority of natural stone restoration services are performed on horizontal applications like floors, countertops, and vanity tops, vertical applications in high-use areas like showers and hallway walls get their share of damage, too, because of exposure to moisture, improper cleaners, or mishaps. Damage may include chips, scratches, dullness, cracks, and stains.Dimension Stone Panel Alternatives
Modern, lightweight stone panels are comprised of a thin layer of stone reinforced by a fiberglass or aluminum honeycomb backing. Another alternative to dimension stone panels is large-format manufactured porcelain, which can also be reinforced by a honeycomb backing. With these alternative, bowing is not as much of an issue, because the temperature of the material remains more constant throughout, plus the backing material absorbs building stresses that would normally result in damage. Like dimension stone panels, the appearance of lightweight stone panels and large format manufactured porcelain can become diminished for a variety of reasons.